Bacon Hill Homeowners' Asssociation

The pavilion at the beach is for the exclusive use of members and guests, it is a carry in, carry out setting. Also, please, no fires within or near the building!
All New York State social distancing protocols need to be followed within the boundaries of the Association and at the common beach area.
Board of Directors' minutes will be posted on the website as drafts pending approval at the next Board meeting.
Any recent changes to the Bylaws are posted on the website, accessible by putting cursor on Home page and using the drop down menu
Hello, Terry here. I am looking for some new photos for this spot on the Home page. I would love a cute kids on the beach or in the water photo, family activities or your favorite. Email photos to Thanks
A great 14th Annual Beach Party was held on August 30th. The weather was gorgeous, the food was great and the company superb! A good time was had by all!
Check out the News and Events page for information regarding invasive plant species that can be removed from your lot without going through the Architectural Committee.
Forming a new Waterfront Committee to address long-term and short-term planning regarding our common shared lakefront! Check out the Committees Page in the Members' Only section.
The Annual Shareholders' Meeting was held on Wednesday, August 3rd. 2022. It was well attended. The minutes have been posted to this website, on the Meeting Minutes page
Please add to your contacts list so notices from us don't end up as Spam or Junk mail!
If you would like to have a reference book to consult for boating, mooring and general seamanship, Chris Adams strongly recommends Chapman's Piloting, a comprehensive book available online as a book or a pdf.
Please go to the News and Events page in the Members' Only section to read about the Skaneateles Lake Association's Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Initiative to take place this spring, 2023. If you are a lot owner interested in participating at no charge, please fill out the Indemnification Agreement and send it to Jim Colling.
Our HOA is a member of the Skaneateles Lake Association!
Information for non-members
In order to respond to interest from realtors and potential lot buyers, the Offering Plan, the Architectural Guidelines and recent updates to the Bylaws have been moved to the non-Members' Only section of the website for easy access by visitors to
Simply roll your mouse over the Home button, and you will see your options in a drop down menu.
Email us by clicking on the Contact button, if you have additional questions. Comments and suggestions are always welcome.

© 2022
by Bacon Hill Homeowners' Association. Proudly created with