Bacon Hill Homeowners' Asssociation
Bacon Hill Homeowners’ Association
Board of Directors Meeting
April 15, 2018
Meeting started at 7:00 PM.
Present: Mike Foor-Pessin, Chris Adams, Kathy Adams, Chris Sedlack, Pat Gannon, Colleen Gannon, Jim Colling, Tyler Wainwright, Chris Fesko, Steve Lang; Terry Foor-Pessin, Secretary
PG makes motion to waive the reading of last meeting’s minutes; CF seconds and motion is passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report is read by CS. There is currently $18,582.35 in the checking account, with all lot owners fully paid for 2017 dues except for Romeo, who owes over $23,000. Chris reviews a small error made in the 2017 Financial Statement, and his method of correction. The corrected statement will be attached to these minutes and to the 2017 annual meeting minutes. PG makes motion to accept report, seconded by KA and passed unanimously.
Road Report is presented by TW. There was a washout in February on Precipice Ridge due to a plugged culvert. On April 2nd, Borotek attempted some emergency repairs, with limited success. That expense was $378. The water is still flowing around the culvert, creating a deep gully and eventually flowing into Pat Dailey’s yard. The road is currently “marginally passable.”
Borotek has provided an estimate: to place a 24” smooth bore pipe under the road and a bar guard over the culvert, and to add heavy rip rap or cobble rock to the ditch. The cost is $5875.20. Discussion includes the need to notify the Aurrichios that we will need to encroach a few feet on their property, and that using the remaining piece of the 24” pipe to create a scoop shape to direct the flow of water would be a good idea.
Borotek also provided a 2018 road maintenance quote: to improve drainage and do repairs to water breaks and ditches on the North Road, including adding cobble rock to the new culvert; to clean ditches, repair water breaks, clean out culvert pipes and fix grading to Winslip, Precipice Ridge and Rocky Falls; and to do the same to Winslp Circle. The total cost is $4212, $10087 total for repairs plus maintenance. Decision to approve will take place in New Business.
Legal Report is provided by KA. She has reached out to a semi-retired attorney, Bob O’Leary, to get work started again on the revision of the Covenant and Bylaws. Kathy notes that most attorneys will not do this work anymore. She will ask Paul Curtin to renew his efforts to get payment of past dues from Romeo or to pursue the lien. CS states that he noted that Curtin was sending numerous bills for small and ineffectual efforts, and he sent Curtin a letter advising him to limit the scope of his efforts to foreclosure, e.g., that we would accept only complete payment or turnover of the Romeo property. Committee agrees that Kathy will pursue follow up with the attorneys on these matters.
Architectural Committee report by CG. Colleen states that James Little has announced that he is selling the property he recently purchased. No one has approached Colleen with new building requests. Lavery has stated that his work is done, and his $2000 escrow for potential road damage has been returned to him. There was no evidence of plowing on the roads this winter when the roads were closed.
Colleen notes that she will provide an updated map of Bacon Hill for the website.
New Business
TW makes motion to approve culvert repair for $5875.20 and 2018 road maintenance for $4212.00. CG seconds. Tyler will notify the Aurrichios that we will need to encroach a few feet on their property, and Borotek will be requested to use the remaining piece of the 24” pipe to create a scoop shape to direct the flow of water. The possibility of a second bar guard, if needed, is included. Motion is approved unanimously.
MFP asks the Board to consider the need for an Association Mooring Policy. A sample policy that TFP found on the Internet is distributed for members to review on their own. It is decided that sufficient photos and mapping exist, and drone pictures are not necessary. Mike raises several ideas, including the possibility of charging a fee to moor a boat. Kathy notes that once the Association charges a fee, it implies that we have assumed liability. Colleen suggests we review what we currently have in terms of mooring spots, both in the main area and the secondary mooring zone. Mike asks for volunteers to form a committee to review current status and recommendations for a policy. He asks that Sandra Weigel, Beach Committee Chairperson, be on the committee. Chris Fesko (representing people who do not plan on using a mooring), Chris Adams, Pat Gannon and Steve Lang all volunteer. Mike appoints Chris Adams as chairperson and asks that they meet and report back to the Board at the next meeting.
MFP also asks the Board to consider whether it is time to raise the annual lot dues. He suggests that if we want to make any capital improvements to the common beach area, such as docks or a pavilion, we will likely need additional funds, as it is important to keep most of the funds available for road repairs and work. No decisions at this time, to be revisited.
Next Board meeting is scheduled for Sunday, May 20 at 7:00 PM at the Adams’ home.
The Annual Shareholders Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 5 at 7:00 PM at the Borodino Town Hall. CS makes motion that these dates go into the minutes, and that he will email the dates to Board Members so there is no miscommunication. PG seconds and this is passed.
The Annual Beach Party is scheduled for Sunday, July 22 starting at 1:00 PM to sunset.
This meeting is adjourned at 8:26 PM.