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BHHA Architectural Guidelines


Presented here is the content of the 1993 booklet, Bacon Hill Homeowners' Association Architectural Guidelines.   For additional information, refer to your Offering Plan. Articles V and VI describe Architectural Control and Use of Property.  Questions regarding specific implementation of these guidelines should be directed to the Bacon Hill Homeowners' Association Board of Directors and the chair of the Architectural Committee.  This guide is intended to provide current and prospective members of BHHA information about the architectural standards for building and grounds at Bacon Hill, Town of Spafford, New York.


Your BHHA Offering Plan is a legal document filed with the State of New York, the County of Onondaga, and the Town of Spafford.   The purpose of this guide is to interpret, specify and clarify certain elements of the Offering Plan which sets forth requirements for the physical appearance and environmental impact of buildings erected at Bacon Hill.


It is the responsibility of the seller of any property which falls within the jurisdiction of the Bacon Hill HOmeowners Association to communicate these guidelines to any prospective buyer.   However, all members, present and future, must comply with the requirements of the Offering Plan.   This document, prepared for the convenience of the membership, does not supersede nor replace the Offering Plan or any portion thereof.




Bacon Hill Homeowners' Association is a not-for-profit corporation owned by its members, who are owners of parcels of land and share ownership of common areas in the development known as Bacon Hill.   Situated on the East side of Skaneateles Lake in the Town of Spafford, this land area is rugged, heavily treed, and dotted with streams, brooks, and small waterfalls.


It is the desire of the Association to maintain an unspoiled natural setting, to enable enjoyment of our resources and common areas and to protect the investments of its members.   The Architectural Committee believes that the spirt of these guidelines is to keep these three goals in balance.   Therefore, in reviewing any proposed building or exterior project, the Committee will look for the spirit of compliance, and may make reasonable accommodation for members' special needs.


The Association suggests that you supply any general contractor and any subcontractors with copies of this document and relevant sections of the Offering Plan prior to signing a contract or agreeing to a price for your project.


Obtaining Architectural Approval:


The BHHA's Bylaws (as described in the Offering Plan) require that any Association member planning to build a home or other structure must seek and obtain written approval from the Architectural Committee prior to commencing the building project.   Application should be made 90 days before groundbreaking is scheduled, and before obtaining a building permit from the Town of Spafford.  You should supply the Town of Spafford with a copy of your approval letter when applying for a building permit.   


Your application package should include:


1. A letter or written summary of the project, noting intended starting and completion dates.

2. Site plan showing all the alterations including grading and tree removal; building location; setbac; final utility supply path; drainage; potential silting from disturbed land; and proximity to streams, brooks, etc.

3. Provisions for power, water, and sanitation during the building process.

4. Blueprints and exterior elevations of all planned structures(s).

5. Exterior appearance plans:

          *color chips for siding, roof and trim.

          *siding and roofing materials

          *fencing, walkways, etc.


Your application package should be sent to:


          Bacon Hill Homeowners' Association

          Architectural Committee

          P.O. Box 256

          Skaneateles, N.Y.  13152


Make at least one copy of your application package, and request a return receipt when mailing.


The Architectural Committee will respond to your application within 30 days.   The 90 day requirement will allow you to make any necessary adjustments to your plans.




House/Building Style:  The architectural theme of Bacon Hill is "contemporary country."   It is not the intent of the Committee to dictate the particular appearance of any specific home, but rather to create a harmonious look for the community.   Each project will be evaluated on its own merit, but there may be some styles which are unsuitable.  For example, a traditionally painted Victorian would seem out of place.   A ranch home with a shallow roof pitch would be discouraged.   A mobile home, regardless of size, will be rejected.


House Size:   A minimum of 800 square feet of finished living space is required for the primary dwelling.   Permits for unfinished shelters without permanent plumbing facilities will not be granted.


Colors: Earth tones on siding, roof and trim should be used.   Color samples should be supplied with the application.   Stains, rather than paints, either solid or transparent, should be used.


Exterior Building Materials:  Natural materials such as wood clapboard or shingles, brick, stone, etc., should be used as siding.   Roofing materials need not be "natural."   Samples or photos should be supplied.


Roof Pitch:   Roof pitch should be in keeping with the style of the building planned, but steeper roof pitches are preferred.   If two separate buildings are to be constructed, the roof pitches should closely match.


Set back:   The distance from any building to a Town or common area road should be at least 50 feet.   Variances may be granted if lot topography, septic plan or other proposal element requires a deviation.


Preservation of trees:   The Association retains the right to restrict removal of trees.   In general, removal of trees, particularly from steep slopes, is discouraged, except for purposes of thinning or to allow for replanting.


Utilities:   Utility cables should be buried whenever possible (not mandatory but suggested.)

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