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Minutes of April 23, 2017 Board Meeting

Bacon Hill Homeowners’ Association Board of Directors Meeting
April 23, 2017

In attendance: Chris Adams, Kathy Adams, Pat Gannon, Colleen Gannon, Tyler Wainwright, Chris Sedlack, Mike Foor-Pessin, Chris Fesko, Jim Richardson, Terry Foor-Pessin

Meeting is called to order at 6:37 PM.   Pat Gannon makes a motion to not read the minutes of the past
meeting.  Seconded by Kathy Adams and passed without dissent.

Treasurer’s Report:  Chris Sedlack reads the 2016 Financial Report:
$24, 140.05  in the Association checking account as of today.
$15,148.58  is the value of the CD’s.  
There is one unpaid legal bill for $800.00.
All active lot owners have paid their dues for 2016.
$22,241.96 is owed by Romeo as of 5/01/17.
The Hayes property was purchased by the Alphonsos.  We recouped $3900.59 through our lien, but did not receive the additional $13,674.28 we were owed from unpaid dues and interest.

Pat makes a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report with an amendment to the value of the CD’s originally noted in the written report as $15, 337.94.  Kathy seconds and it is passed without dissent.

It is noted that the Wentlandt property is up for sale.


Road Report:  Tyler reports that there was an emergency response to the plugging of a culvert.  Borotek removed the obstruction (cost of $270).  48 hours later and after several inches of rain, the culvert overflowed and a hole developed.

Discussion about the necessity of repairing this major problem.  Borotek has quoted $2484 to repair culvert deck.  Pat Gannon will donate steel guard rail sections which will be used to replace the current material.   (It would cost $14,688 to replace the culvert rather than repair it.)  

Borotek has also recommended $4,374 for seasonal maintenance.   $3200 for storm repairs on Precipice, $500 for potholes, ditches, etc. on Wavelength, $250 for water breaks, ditches, etc. on Rocky Falls, $200 for similar maintenance on North Road and $200 for similar maintenance on Winslip Circle.  Tyler states the total is $7128.00 for repairs and maintenance.

Precipice Ridge Road will have to be closed for at least two days in order to repair the culvert.  Discussion of how to notify lot owners and lakefront owners.  It is agreed that a sign will be posted in advance of the work at the top of the road.   Notices will be put in lakefront owners mailboxes.   Kathy will let Tony Geiss know and he can alert the other lakefront owners, as well.   Notification will go out with the dues letters (without exact dates of road work, as the dates are not yet available and the letters will go out next week.)  As soon as dates for the work are determined, the notice will be posted on  

Tyler notes that Rickliss took the top of a water break out in order to deliver construction supplies to the Kiggins, and there was subsequent damage resulting in $200 cost.  Other factors may have also contributed to the damage.  Pat makes a motion to bill the Kiggins $100 towards the repairs.  Chris Fesko seconds and it is passed without dissent.  It is recommended that Rickliss be contacted and informed that no individuals have authorization to make modifications to Association roads.  Chris Fesko will speak to him.

Pat makes a motion that $2484 + $2000 additional funds as needed be approved for the culvert repair, and that $4374 + $270 be approved for seasonal maintenance, for a total of $9128.00.  Tyler seconds the motion, and it is passed unanimously.


Legal Report:  Kathy Adams provides updates.  The Hayes property was foreclosed on by the bank, and we had a lien on it.   Notification regarding the reinstatement of the initial foreclosure was sent to a neighbor who did not pass it on to the Association.  “Foreclosure trumps a lien”.  We received $3900.  We will sue Hayes for $13,674.28, unless they have declared bankruptcy.   We have to file a correction with the state to register an official agent for future liens, so that our agent receives any notifications.  We will ask one of the attorneys we have worked with to serve as our agent.

Chris Fesko makes a motion to designate Mike Longstreet to receive mail involving legal documents for Bacon Hill Homeowners’ Association.  This will be needed when the membership is polled for changes to the Covenant.   Seconded by Kathy, passed unanimously.

Kathy notes that Romeo offered to pay past dues but no interest on the money he owes.  BHHA authorized Attorney Curtin to settle for $16, 500 or that Romeo surrender the property to the Association.  If he does not accept the terms, we will move ahead with foreclosure.


 Architectural Report:  Colleen notes that Lavery has continued to build over the winter, despite our recommendations that the roads not be used in the winter.  However, there is no evident road damage from this activity.
James Little is purchasing the Wentlandts’ property.  He has been speaking with Colleen regarding building plans, and is willing to work with BHHA.  There has also been some communication with the Alphonsos, who purchased the Hayes property.


Beach Committee:   Sandra Weigel is not at the meeting, so updates are made by other members who are present.  The wooden dock section had drifted.  Chris Fesko hauled it in and it is on the rocks now.  The canoe and kayak rack has been erected and is in use.  The decking for the portajohn has not been repaired.  The consensus is that Rob Hole was going to build something.   The Adams have treated wood they have offered for this project.   Kathy makes a motion to allocate up to $500 to build a deck for the portajohn and a possible changing area.  Pat seconds it and it is passed without dissent.  Chris Fesko offers to check out the situation and build the flooring if possible. 


New Business:   Chris Fesko notes that she has had some logging done on her farm.  She is pleased with the work, and he is available for people in the Association.  Discussion:  the covenant does not forbid it, but owners must get permission from the Architechtural Committee.  Chris asks if people would like to be contacted.  Jim R.  suggests lot owners should make their own arrangements.  Logging machines will cause road damage.  


The date is set for the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting for Wednesday, June 14th at 7:00 PM at the Spafford Town Hall.  Notice will be sent out with the dues letters next week.

Meeting is adjourned at 8:34 PM.   Colleen makes the motion to adjourn, Tyler seconds.


Respectfully submitted,

Terry Foor-Pessin

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