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Bacon Hill Homeowners’ Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
December 14, 2023

Present: Roger Stackpoole, Kathy Adams, Chris Adams, Mike Foor-Pessin, Pat Gannon, Brian Davis, Chris Sedlack, Jim Colling, Jim Richardson.
Absent: Tyler Wainwright, Chris Fesko, Rob Hole
Terry Foor-Pessin, Secretary

Roger makes brief comments as President.  He notes that he did receive the Covenant paperwork from the attorney with “structural changes.” He needs to review them with Kathy Adams and then send them out to the Board for review.  The agenda for tonight’s meeting includes roads, the waterfront, dues and the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting.

As TW cannot be here tonight, RS summarizes that the roads seem to be in pretty good shape at present.  The condition of North Road up to the gate has been improved.

Architecture Committee:
JC reports that approval for the Davis-Kreso Camp was made on 3/28/23.  Their project is on hold at present.  The DePalmas received approval for an addition on 4/19/23. The project has been completed with no damage to the roads.  Lot 25 was sold to Elizabeth Ryan Payes of Baltimore.  She asked for approval to put in a container or tiny house so that they could stay there while working on the property. The committee unanimously denied request due to concerns that unsightly structures would not later be removed.  KA said this might be a good time to review the minimum housing dimensions as noted in the Architectural Guidelines
300 hemlock trees were treated in the Association this year by the Skaneateles Lake Association.  Lot owners should look for medallions on the trees.  The treatment should last six years. Lot owners should let JC know if Bazz, the project leader, missed any on their property..

Status of ad hoc committees:
RS reviews the status of the committees he initiated in recent meetings.  He notes that the Roads Task Force needs to meet for more discussion.  They have come up with some ideas.  Should Borotek be included in the discussions? They have indicated willingness to implement some of our experimental ideas.  To be decided by committee.
The Waterfront spring cleanup went very well.  Can we purchase lawn maintenance equipment and build a leanto where we can lock the equipment up?
JR suggests setting up a solar panel charger for an electric mower and trimmer.  He has a solar panel he can donate, offers to look into this project and will make a proposal.
CS recommends keeping it simple and using existing gas-powered equipment to be brought in as needed.
It is agreed that the port-a-john structure needs repair and improvement.
MFP suggests that the Board purchase a memorial bench in memory of Mary Ann Auricchio.  Discussion follows concluding that we could offer families the opportunity to donate a plaque to be placed in the pavilion or perhaps historical information and notable persons could be featured on the website.

Roger notes that the Waterfront Committee has had conversations and ideas.  He will look for a co-chair and strive to keep the momentum going.  Tom MacDonald has said that he would like the Board to look for a replacement for his role as chairperson of the Mooring Committee.  Perhaps he would be amenable to an offer to have more people share the duties.

Financial concerns:
The Board agrees that it will be necessary to increase dues because of increases in expenses.  Current dues are $450.  Following discussion, MFP makes motion to raise dues on each lot by $100.  PG seconds and motion passes unanimously.

Some discussion about volunteer work hours and whether this practice should continue.  Currently, volunteers can earn $12.50/hour up to 16 hours to be applied to dues. No action taken at this time.

Roger summarizes that he has received the covenants and bylaws reviewed by the attorney, will review them with KA and then send to the Board members for review.  At the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, lot owners will be presented with the reviewed documents, updates on the dues and other concerns.

Next Board meeting is set for January 16, 2024 at 7:00 PM as a Zoom meeting.


Respectfully submitted,


Terry Foor-Pessin, Secretary

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