Bacon Hill Homeowners' Asssociation
Bacon Hill Homeowners’ Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
July 12, 2023
Zoom meeting, Roger Stackpoole Administrator
Present: Roger Stackpoole, Kathy Adams, Chris Adams, Chris Sedlack, Mike Foor-Pessin, Chris Fesko, Tyler Wainwright, Jim Richardson, Jim Colling Absent: Brian Davis, Pat Gannon, Rob Hole
Secretary: Terry Foor-Pessin
Meeting called to order at 6:37 PM. MFP moves that the minutes be approved as they have been reviewed by all Board members, KA seconds and motion passes unanimously.
Updates: KA has not heard back from the attorney on the review of the bylaws. We are holding off on communicating with the shareholders regarding the annual meeting and vote on the bylaws until we hear from the attorney and take whatever actions are necessary.
RS notes that there is one agenda for tonight’s meeting, making decisions about road maintenance and repairs.
TW states that there was emergency road work done on Winslip Circle on 6/29, costing $702.
He also presents the revised $10,000 Borotek quote (attached).
He notes there are two large blockages of leaves on Precipice, behind Aurrichio’s on the right and on the left below Bigelow’s.
Discussion includes mention of rubber diagonals serving as water breaks have been observed on other local steep roads. RS notes that he had a positive discussion with the Borotek Brothers who are open to trying something alternative in the management of Winslip Circle. A Roads Committee has been formed, comprised of RS, BD, TW and JC. KA asks the committee to research Base Core Geocell Ground Grid Stabilizer materials.
MFP moves to approve the $10,000 quote, JC seconds and the motion passes unanimously.
CS reports that there is approximately $33,300 in the checking account. Only Romeo and one other lot owner have not paid this year’s dues.
Discussion on the condition of the North Road. RS states it is in its worst shape in 4 years. CS states there is very serious rutting on the North Rad between the Foor-Pessin and VanHoltz lots.TW notes that inflation and global warming are combining to create “the perfect storm.”
MFP states that the annual dues need to be raised, and JC suggests it might be time for a special assessment, e.g., an additional amount for one year. CS suggests if we do an increase in dues, it would be a good idea to separate funds for crisis funds and North Road funds.
As for the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, it is agreed that we will wait until we get the results of the bylaws review from the attorney and then decide how much revision is necessary. Then we will set dates for the Annual Meeting and a separate Q&A meeting specific to the bylaws and covenants.
KA notes that we will need to clarify with the attorney what constitutes a quorum. The consensus is that the quorum is the majority of lot owners, or 27 properties. It will be necessary to collect vote proxies. When the membership votes, there will also need to be a second vote for David Sedlack’s lot annexation and approval of his plan to build. All Board members should review the bylaws and covenants documentation again to be prepared for the discussion once we get the attorney’s recommendations.
RS moves to adjourn the meeting at 8:02, KA seconds.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Foor-Pessin