Bacon Hill Homeowners' Asssociation
2019 Bacon Hill Annual Shareholders’ Meeting Minutes
July 10, 2019
Spafford Town Hall, Borodino, NY
President Mike Foor-Pessin calls the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. It is determined that a quorum is present, with 24 lots out of a total of 52 represented (some by proxy). 17 are needed to have a quorum.
The secretary reads the 2018 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting minutes. Pat Gannon moves to accept the minutes as read, and Chris Adams seconds. Motion passes unanimously.
MFP presents the President’s report.
-He expresses appreciation for those in attendance.
-He thanks all Board members and volunteers for their efforts.
-He reports that the HOA is in good shape:
-The goal of building a pavilion has been accomplished, with two new picnic tables and a new sign.
-A contract has been signed with a new law firm, Walsh & Walsh from Saratoga Springs, which has considerable experience providing legal services to HOA’s.
-The Board has approved a $50 increase in lot dues for 2020, which will result in $2500 additional financial resources for the HOA.
-The Board will press on with developing a mooring policy, with amending the covenant to reflect more modern and socially relevant language and concepts related to the definition of a family unit.
-He thanks Colleen Gannon for providing an updated map of the Association’s lots and lot owners.
The Treasurer’s report is read by Kathy Adams, as the Treasurer is unable to attend tonight. In January, 2018, the beginning balance was $32,909.38, including $15,161.88 in three CD’s. 2018 income was $18,183.63 and expenditures were $29,526.60 (which included approximately $5,000 from one CD that was not renewed). This left a balance on 12/31/18 of $21,566.41, including the two remaining CD’s. $13,693.99 went to beach maintenance and improvements, including the new pavilion. As of 7/06/19, the balance is $22,720.65 and $10,161.60 in two CD’s. The 2018 financial statement is attached. As of this date, four lots remain unpaid, one of which is Romeo’s, against whom we continue to pursue legal options. His current debt to the Association is $29, 604.01. Pat Gannon makes a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, Jim Colling seconds; passes unanimously.
Roads report is provided by Tyler Wainwright.
In 2018, $10,465.20 was spent on road maintenance and repairs. It is noted that a significant amount of money was saved in the repair of a culvert on Precipice Ridge by the efforts of several members and the donation of some materials by Pat Gannon. In 2019 so far, $7, 668.00 has been spent on maintenance and preventative measures taken during the June 28th storm, for which we spent $972.00 (included in the $7,668.00). In 2018 we had 25 hours of volunteer service. Tyler reiterates that road right of way is 12 feet high and 12 feet wide, and that lot owners are expected to clear brush from the roadside by their lots. He asks volunteers to check with him first if planning to do volunteer work for credit on their dues.
Kathy Adams presents the Legal Committee report. She notes that there are three ongoing legal matters:
-1a. Contact with Joe Walsh of Walsh & Walsh Law firm. He will be evaluating the proposed changes to the covenant.
-1b. Robert Romeo lot debt. He has reportedly added his sister to the deed, which appears to complicate matters. Will have new attorney review efforts to present and make recommendations/take legal actions.
-2. The two Association members who continue to engage in short-term rentals. The covenant states no commercial business on Association property. Changing the covenant will strengthen our position.
-3. A member continues to attempt to “keyhole” his BHHA lot in order to access another property that he owns which cannot be accessed except by water. He approached the town, asked them to eliminate the boundary between BHHA lot and his lake front lot and they agreed. Now 1/3 of his town-recognized lot is in BHHA and 2/3 is not. Our position is that we will not meet with him without an attorney present.
Some discussion about the history of the legal cases in regards to a question raised about why there is a 10% increase in annual dues. While the Association has been busy focusing on road repairs and bills for many years, we are now practicing preventive maintenance and can focus on these legal issues more effectively. We anticipate that we will need additional funds (hence the 10% increase) to put toward attorney’s fees.
Beach Committee report is given by Sandra Weigel. Sandra reports that we are working on a mooring policy as we have “reached critical mass” with the number of moorings. We lease a steep bank from the state, which owns all land under water in the lake. We currently have 12 moorings. There is a waiting list of lot owners who want a mooring.
Discussion about the current state of moorings. Sandra notes that money is needed to investigate moorings in the north area of the Association water front. There is a question about the migrating location of the large boulders at the water’s edge.
Sandra notes that she attended a meeting of the Skaneateles Lake Association. They are concerned with invasive species such as milfoil and with harmful algal blooms. She recommends the Association join the SLA, and that we can decide how much our dues should be.
Rita T. states there is a need for a protected swimming area. Others note the need for a second dock for boats to load and unload passengers. To be discussed under new business.
Architecture Committee report is presented by Jim Collings. Jim reports that the pavilion was built and that the hillside drainage system works very well. In February, the McDonalds were approved to build a camp off of Wavelength. They submitted a $2000 escrow check, the roads are in good shape and the camp is in the process of being built.
Communications Committee report is given by Terry Foor-Pessin. An effort is made to keep the website up to date with posting of the most recent Board of Directors and Shareholders meetings’ minutes. A new map of the Association lots and lot owners has just been added to reflect real estate sales/new owners. At least 2/3 of the lot owners have now provided email addresses, which makes it much easier to communicate with everyone and saves on postage, e.g., when sending out reminders of the Annual Beach Party. Members are encouraged to share photos which will be posted on the website.
Motion is made by Brian D. to have Pat Gannon run this part of the meeting. Tyler seconds and motion is passed unanimously.
Colleen Gannon nominates Mike Foor-Pessin for President. Secretary casts one unanimous ballot for President.
Kathy Adams nominates Chris Adams for Vice-President. The secretary casts one unanimous ballot for Vice-President.
Kathy Adams nominates Terry Foor-Pessin for Secretary. The President casts one unanimous ballot for Secretary.
Brian DePalma nominates Chris Sedlack for Treasurer. Chris has left word that he would be willing to run again. Secretary casts one unanimous ballot for Treasurer.
Gail DePalma makes motion to return control of the meeting to Mike Foor-Pessin. Kathy Adams seconds and motion is passed unanimously.
No Old Business
New Business
Discussion of mooring policy development. Rita Tomlinson agrees to replace Chris Fesko on the committee. The committee plans to meet again and will, at a later date, present the suggested policy to the general membership after asking the new attorney to look over the policy.
Discussion of concerns about creating a protected swimming area. Colleen Gannon makes a motion to purchase a second boat dock for loading and unloading boat passengers. Kathy Adams seconds. Discussion about cost. Colleen amends motion to look into the feasibility and cost. Sandra Weigel will look into it. Kathy seconds and motion is passed unanimously.
Mike Foor-Pessin notes that the Board will meet in the fall to review findings.
Rita T. makes a motion that we install a ladder to the swim deck. James Drake seconds. Discussion follows regarding potential problems with zebra mussels attaching to the ladder, and liability concerns. The motion passes with 12 ayes. Sandra Weigel moves to allocate $250 to buy a ladder. Tim Purcell seconds, and motion passes unanimously.
Steve Lang suggests that we have an annual spring clean-up for the third Saturday in May and a fall clean-up for the third Saturday in September. TFP to add this announcement to the website.
MFP moves that we purchase a new grill for no more than $150. Tyler seconds and motion passes unanimously. Sandra Weigel will work on purchase.
Sandra moves that BHHA pay for a membership to Skaneateles Lake Association at the Milfoil Boat Co-sponsor level of $250.00. Tim Purcell seconds and motion is passed unanimously. TFP will make a link on to the SLA website and note that individuals can also become members for $50.
The 12th Annual Beach Party will be held on Sunday, July 21. MFP makes a motion that the new pavilion be dedicated to Pat Gannon for his many selfless years of service to our HOA. Tim Purcell seconds and motion is passed unanimously. Chris Fesko moves that we allocate $125 to purchase food for the beach party. Tyler seconds and motion is passed unanimously. The Adamses will purchase the food.
Kathy Adams makes motion to adjourn at 9:28 PM, seconded by Chris Fesko. Passes unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Foor-Pessin