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Bacon Hill Homeowners’ Association
Board of Directors Meeting, Spafford Town Hall
 June 12, 2019

Present: Michael Foor-Pessin, Chris Adams, Kathy Adams, Sandra Weigel, Chris Sedlack, Pat Gannon, Tyler Wainwright, Terry Foor-Pessin

Meeting called to order at 7:03 PM.  The minutes of the last Board meeting are read and PG makes motion to approve, seconded by KA and approved.

Treasurer’s Report is made by CS.  Only 7 lots remain unpaid for 2019 dues, and this includes Romeo.  Chris has sent out a reminder billing.  Current balance is $28,436.01.  PG moves to approve, KA seconds and report is approved.

Roads Report: The more comprehensive road maintenance plan approved at the last Board meeting has been completed by Borotek at a cost of $6696.  Tyler reports the roadwork looks very satisfactory.

Legal Committee: KA reviews contact with Joe Walsh.  It is noted that while we will use him for the Bylaws/Covenant revision and addressing the Romeo debt, we will continue to work with Attorney Longstreet in relation to David Sedlack’s request to meet and further dealings with him, as Longstreet was the attorney for the lawsuit we had against Sedlack.

Communications Committee:  TFP reports on recent updates to the website, including notices of the Annual Shareholders meeting and the Beach Party, and the uploading of new pictures to the Home page gallery.  Recent Board minutes have been posted.

Beach Committee: SW recommends the Association join the Skaneateles Lake Association.  She states she would be willing to attend the meetings.   MFP asks SW to get more information on dues and on the rental of the milfoil or Eurasion Watermilfoil harvester boat that they have.


Old Business:
It is confirmed that the newly purchased two picnic tables are in place in the pavilion.  TFP reports on ordering a sign for the gable end of the pavilion.  It should be ready in about two weeks. 

CA notes that they had a Mooring Policy meeting on 5/28, with SL, CA and SW, but CF, PG and JC were absent.  They want to have another meeting with all members and then will probably have the new attorney review their proposed policy.


New Business:
MFP asks the Board members to read the Walsh & Walsh proposed contract to provide services to the Association.  Discussion.  CA makes motion to sign the contract tonight, scan and email it to Joe Walsh.  TAW seconds and motion is approved.  CS will request copies of Paul Curtin’s file on the Romeo case and then have Joe Walsh provide a second opinion.  We will focus on finding a solution to this situation first before moving on with the attorney to other Association concerns. 

Discussion of David Sedlack’s request for a meeting.  It is reported that Longstreet sent a request to Sedlack’s attorney several months ago asking for clarification on what Sedlack is seeking from the Board and has not received a response.  The Board feels it is very important to follow legal procedure in all dealings with Sedlack, and at this time, it is agreed that his attorney should respond to Longstreet before any other steps are taken.  KA will ask Longstreet to respond again to Sedlack’s attorney, noting that we have received his request to meet, but want to receive clarification from his attorney before proceeding.

Motion to adjourn is made by PG and seconded by CA.  Meeting is adjourned at 8:42 PM.

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