Bacon Hill Homeowners' Asssociation
June 14, 2017 Annual Shareholders Meeting Minutes
Bacon Hill Homeowners’ Association
Annual Shareholders Meeting
June 14, 2017
Spafford Town Hall, Borodino, NY
Meeting is called to order at 7:14 PM. It is determined that a quorum is present, with 17 lots represented, 20 people present.
The secretary reads the 2016 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting minutes. Kathy Adams corrects the statement regarding that “the Covenant will be changed to preclude commercial businesses” to read instead that the existing Covenant has always precluded commercial businesses. The amendment will be made. Pat G. makes a motion to accept the minutes as amended; Chris F. seconds, and the motion is carried unanimously.
The President, Mike Foor-Pessin, presents his report, which is attached to these minutes. He makes five points: that the association is in great shape, with one lien outstanding. He thanks the Board for its dedication and professionalism. He comments briefly on ongoing legal issues. He reflects on the maintenance of our road system, and he comments on the website.
The Treasurer’s Report is read by Kathy Adams in the absence of Chris Sedlack, Treasurer. It is attached to the minutes. Total 2016 expenses amounted to $9,679.49 and net worth as of 12/31/16 was $34,248.34. Pat G makes a motion to accept the report, Jim Colling seconds it and the motion is passed unanimously.
The Roads Report is read by Tyler Wainwright. He notes that major repairs were done in May to the culvert on Precipice Ridge. The original quote was over $14,000, but because materials were donated by Pat Gannon, and as the work was able to be completed in one day, the total cost was $2484 (17% of the original quote.) The work done was to replace the deck of the culvert and they were able to continue to use the reinforced concrete pipe of the culvert.
In addition, there have been two emergency repairs, costing $270 and $432, as well as $4374 for general road maintenance by Borotek. Total expenditures on the roads so far in 2017 is $7560.
The Legal Committee Report is presented by Kathy Adams. She reports that she and Chris Sedlack met with attorney Paul Curtin on the foreclosure/attempt to collect past dues plus interest from Romeo. An offer was made by Romeo to pay off past dues without any interest. We countered with our demands, and are awaiting his response.
Final adjustments to proposed changes to the covenant were made. It took time to find the right attorney willing to take on the task of administration of the membership vote and subsequent changes to the deeds, but this is now proceeding.
The Hayes property sale was completed and while we did not get compensated for our lien, we did recoup legal fees. More will be discussed under New Business.
The Architectural Committee Report is presented by Colleen Gannon. No new requests for construction approval in 2017, although Colleen has fielded several queries from new and prospective lot owners. Several building projects are in progress, including the Lavery house and garage, the Kiggins house, the Yuhas tram and the Richardson deck (not informed as to the status of either of these), and the Lang garage. There are a few non-compliance issues to follow up on. Colleen notes that the Hayes property was purchased by Anthony and Melissa Alphonso, and James Little is buying the Wentlandt property. It also appears that the Corriveau property is for sale. She reviews notes about permits, removal of live trees, escrow accounts for construction projects involving the roads, and that 6/01-9/30 is the recommended period for construction to limit damage to the roads. Report is attached to the minutes.
The Beach Committee report is presented by Sandra Weigel. The dock is installed, the swim platform is currently attached to the Lang’s mooring due to high water, and a platform for the portajohn has been built but is a work in progress. As of this meeting, we have not been able to find a company willing to deliver and service a portajohn on the beach. Two kayak and canoe racks have been erected and are in use. Concerns are expressed about extensive erosion of the boat launch area. Volunteers are requested to help clean up the rocks spread by flooding. Shoreline curbing has been disturbed. Limited moorings available. Looking for someone with a drone to take aerial photos of the moorings. Kathy Adams will ask Gary Prochna if he can take photos with his drone. Report is attached to the minutes.
The Communications report is made by Terry Foor-Pessin. Updated details are shared for the website, how to sign up and what is on the website. Colleen Gannon has provided a new BHHA lot map as of tonight and this will be added.
New Business:
Roads: Due to recent heavy rains, the big culvert below Bigelow’s on Precipice Ridge was plugged and overflowed. Expense to clean out two culverts (a second one was also affected), ditches and to add and compact runner crush is $2592. In addition, more stone needs to be added on Rocky Falls road, expense is $1188, for a total of $3780. There is also discussion that Sandra should ask Borotek to quote repairs for the boat launch and some minor road damage in that area. Pat G. makes the motion to spend $3780 for both cited repairs. Chris Adams seconds, and it passes unanimously.
Ryan Kiggins reports that the concrete pad on the North Road is slowly eroding. He suggests digging out the sides so the concrete doesn’t wash out. Pat Gannon agrees to assess the situation and arrange some action.
Legal: Kathy Adams notes that there was a situation with the sale of a piece of property owned by the Auricchios on Wavelength Rd. The title search uncovered a reference to BHHA in the deed. It has been established that the land is clearly not part of the Association, and the sale has proceeded.
Regarding the Romeo property, we will prompt him for his response. We will not forgive the interest, and if an agreement cannot be reached, we will move toward foreclosure.
Regarding the Hayes property, we can still go after the Hayes personally for compensation. We will work on this through our attorney.
As noted in the Legal Report, Covenant changes are now largely an administrative matter with the new attorney. Kathy recaps the changes. A request is made to post the Bylaws on the website. (Update by TFP: the changes to the Bylaws have been posted on the website, accessed by putting cursor on Home page and using the drop down menu.)
Beach: Pat G. makes a motion to approve the construction of a third Canoe and Kayak rack with expenses up to $125. Seconded by Kathy Adams and passed unanimously.
Sandy asks the DePalmas, who have purchased the Catamaran that was on the beach for years, from Brian Russell, to move it off the beach this summer.
Sandy notes that she has gotten numerous calls from people interested in BHHA properties so that they can get a mooring. She states we need to explore ways to expand moorings, such as floating finger docks. Others state these are very expensive and prone to damage.
Also there is discussion about a lot owner occupying more than one mooring, borrowing a mooring from another owner, and on reviewing the wording on assignment of moorings. It is repeated that the mooring does not go with a property if sold, and it is suggested this be added to the bylaws. It is also suggested that a waiting list for moorings be started or a lottery be started. Sandy is asked to continue to explore options and to bring these to the Board.
Communications: There has been a request to publish the Board meeting minutes on the website. Chris F. makes a motion to publish minutes, labeling them as drafts pending approval at the next Board meeting. Seconded by PG and approved.
MFP reads correspondence he has received from Jack Riley on Rocky Falls about a car getting stuck there on their way to Paul’s Cabin, needing to be towed out, and wondering if a sign could be posted directing people to the Cabin. The President responds that “this is not an approved business, this rental cabin is not condoned or allowed per our Covenant.” Also, we have placed a sign on the roads stating that the roads are for the use of BHHA members only.
Mike notes that Alexander challenged the statement on the Proxy ballot that it has to be a BHHA member to vote one’s proxy. Alexander stated that there is no stipulation in the Covenant that the proxy has to be a member. Mike concedes that his reading of the Covenant agrees with this statement. Colleen G suggests updating the proxy paperwork to reflect this.
10th Annual Beach Party: It is agreed to hold this year’s BHHA Beach Party on Sunday, July 23rd from 1:00 on. The Adams will purchase meat and rolls. Members should bring a dish to pass, chairs, and beverages. Pat G makes a motion to approve $100 for the purchase of food; Rob Hole seconds it and the motion is carried unanimously.
Elections: No Board members are up for election this year, only Officers. A motion is made to hand over the voting process to Pat Gannon by Kathy Adams, seconded by MFP and approved. All Officers—Michael Foor-Pessin, President, Chris Adams, Vice-President, Terry Foor-Pessin, Secretary and Chris Sedlack, Treasurer, are elected for another year of service.
A motion is made by Tyler Wainwright to close the meeting at 9:17 PM. Seconded by Chris Adams and approved by the members.
Respectfully submitted, Terry Foor-Pessin