Bacon Hill Homeowners' Asssociation
Bacon Hill Homeowners Board of Directors’ Meeting
June 15, 2021
Zoom Meeting
Board members present: Kathy Adams, Chris Adams, Pat Gannon, Mike Foor-Pessin, Chris Fesko, Jim Colling, Brian Russell, Steve Lang, Chris Sedlack, Tyler Wainwright, Jim Richardson
Also present: Tom MacDonald, Beach Chairperson, Terry Foor-Pessin, Secretary
Absent: Rob Hole
Meeting is called to order by MFP at 7:02 PM.
TFP reads the minutes of the last Board meeting on May 18, 2021. PG moves to approve minutes as read, JC seconds, motion is passed.
CS provides Treasurer’s report. Currently have $33,484.02 in the checking account plus another $700 in dues that has not yet been deposited, for a total of approximately $34,000 in checking. There are currently 8 lots unpaid, and a second billing has been done. The Certificates of Deposit for emergency funds have expired and been repurchased as annuities at 1.4% interest, and currently are worth $15,176. PG moves to approve Treasurer’s report, KA seconds, motion is passed.
Committee Reports:
Roads: TW reports that Borotek has completed the $1350 work on Precipice Ridge in addition to the $6912 work already completed for Spring maintenance, for a total of $8262.
Legal: KA notes that Attorney Walsh has the Board’s changes to the Covenant and she will also plan on sending him the Mooring Policy for review once the Board finishes with it. CS asks if the Board was supposed to review the changes to the Covenant. KA will contact Walsh tomorrow, asking him to send the Covenant language back for the Board to review once he makes recommendations for changes. She also reports that there are two pending sales of BHHA properties. One is Prego’s, and KA has reached out to the listing agencies to reiterate that no short-term rentals are allowed. The agent in charge of the Prego sale assured KA that the buyers have no intention of operating a rental.
Architectural: JC 1) spoke with the NYSEG engineer, who plans to give Davis/Creso an estimate for digging underground electric, but that the lot owner will be responsible for cutting down trees in the way. JC says that he gets different opinions from NYSEG personnel on what they can and can’t do in Bacon Hill.
2) Carpenter bees are flying into and damaging wood supports in the pavilion roof. Jim recommends that we spend $150 to hire Gannon Pesticides out of Syracuse, NY to spray for the year. Will be discussed further in New Business.
Communications: TFP asks that if Board members receive emails with the message “undeliverable”, that they email or call her so she can resend. She notes that she has sent out emails to most lot owners announcing the details of the June 29th Annual Meeting, and that Zoom log in information will be sent out within a few days of the meeting. The Zoom log in information is already posted on the website. Mail was sent to 11 lot owners for whom no email addresses are known, with notice of the Meeting and Zoom log in information provided.
Beach Committee: TM states he has not been able to find a second dock in our budget range that meets our needs. The one he was looking at cannot add attachments like wheels easily. Other possible docks are all back-ordered and most are in the $8000-$10,000 range and require immediate deposits to hold. Discussion about whether to move the existing dock to the launch area if we can’t find a second dock this year, but it is concluded this would not be a good idea.
Brief review of current mooring waitlist, and that several people are currently installing new moorings in the North Mooring Field.
MFP notes that after the Mooring Policy is completed, the Beach Committee will work on a list of appropriate Beach Rules, and that a consequence of not being in good standing could be the loss of one’s mooring.
The Board agrees that if Tom finds a good deal on a dock, he should contact the Board so an ad hoc Zoom meeting can be called ASAP to consider purchase.
Old Business: The term “grace period” in the revised Mooring Policy is too vague. CS and Tm will work on the wording. When done, the policy will be submitted to Joe Walsh for review. CF makes a motion that the Board supports the Beach Chairperson in making decisions about beach management, moorings and mooring locations. He has final say. KA seconds, and motion passes.
KA recommends a change to the Mooring Policy document, and that ultimately, the Mooring Policy will be added to the bylaws, which we can do ourselves. Brief discussion of mooring vs. land storage of small watercraft.
CA recommends that members just installing a mooring should read the reference book, Chapman’s Piloting, and he requests that this be posted on the website.
New Business:
MFP recommends the formation of a Waterfront Improvement Committee. It will be brought up at the Annual Shareholders’ meeting to gauge interest and hopefully get other members involved.
MFP notes that six Board members are up for reelection. He notes that he will not be running for President this year, but is willing to remain on the Board. PG reminds the Board that the President must be a Board member. MFP asks of the six, who is interested in remaining on the Board. CS, CA, BR, KA and MFP all indicate they are. SL indicates that he would give up his spot if someone new wanted to serve. Board members are asked to consider running for President.
CF makes motion to spend $150 for spraying for carpenter bees. PG seconds. JC and CA will pull the tables out of the building prior to spraying, which will occur on 6/21various picnic-related tasks.
PG moves to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 PM.