Bacon Hill Homeowners' Asssociation
Bacon Hill Homeowners’ Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
June 15, 2022
Present: Chris Adams, Kathy Adams, Roger Stackpoole, Mike Foor-Pessin, Chris Sedlack, Pat Gannon, Tyler Wainwright, Chris Fesko, Jim Colling, Rob Hole, Jim Richardson
Absent: Brian Davis
Tom MacDonald, Beach Chairperson, Terry Foor-Pessin, Secretary
Meeting called to order at 7:13 PM. Roger identifies agenda items: the mooring policy and the North Mooring Field issues, the North Road, and an update on the D. Sedlack proposal.
Regarding the North Mooring Field issues and the recent letter received by Yuhas/Riley’s attorney, we have applied for the Parks & Rec annual permit and we can do a “group” permit. We do not need a DEC permit unless we have ten or more moorings. We do need marker buoys, 100’ out marking the NW and SW boundaries of the mooring field. The Sheriff’s Department visited as part of the permit application and used the methodology that Tom is using to determine littoral rights for each property owner. The Sheriff confirmed that Tom is using the correct method. Tom states that “we are well within our boundaries.” The Sheriff will communicate this information directly with Yuhas/Riley. Our attorney, Joe Walsh, has responded to their attorney by phone and letter. The Sheriff’s finding is a recommendation. The State will determine that we qualify for the permit. Tom notes that they have not located one of the boundary markers. JR states that there are two stone-filled milk jugs that Yuhas and JR agreed on that should still be in place. Tom notes that the buoy markers do not need lights. They need blue reflector tape, which he has purchased. The outer SW and NW buoys should be marked with Park & Rec stickers when we receive them. The renewal fee is $95 per year per field. The contact person is Felicia McManus in Parks & Rec.
Update on D. Sedlack project: He is requesting permission to build a 2700 sq. ft. ranch house on lot 31. Jim states that Dave has clarified boundary concerns and proposes that he will have both properties subsumed into the Bacon Hill subdivision. As this will modify BH subdivision boundaries, the subdivision map needs to be modified. This requires an amendment to the Covenant, which needs to be approved by a 2/3 vote of the membership. Discussion about possible risks of agreeing to this. KA notes that “a lot owner cannot be prevented from building on his lot.”
MFP makes a motion to reconfirm whether action to incorporate additional land to BH is preferable to not recognizing the removal of property line between two lots and relying on basing issues on the State Keyholing law.
MFP adds that we have the attorney draft paperwork with a deadline with legally binding language, conditional on membership approval. JC seconds. 8 ayes, 2 nays, motion is carried.
The Board agrees that the Covenant should be strengthened, that the membership vote to approve the merging of the two lots and the changes to the Covenant. MFP states that the Board also needs to begin the process of confronting the non-Covenant approved business of Paul Alexander and Paul’s Cabins.
MFP makes a motion to spend $54 to have the Pavilion sprayed for bees. PG seconds and motion passes unanimously.
TW reports that the Borotek quote for repairs to the water break damaged during the building of the Mahoney/Overdyk barn is$756. JC sent an email to Marc Overdyk regarding damage to the pavement. Overdyk responded that the truck was not used over the pavement and that they also “fixed part of Winslip”. TW agrees to call Overdyk to discuss the damage.
Motion to adjourn by PG. Meeting adjourned at 9:08 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Foor-Pessin