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Bacon Hill Homeowners’ Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
June 20, 2023
Zoom Meeting

Present: Roger Stackpoole, Jim Colling, Chris Sedlack, Kathy Adams, Pat Gannon, Tyler Wainwright, Chris Fesko, Brian Davis, Mike Foor-Pessin, Jim Richardson, Chris Adams
Terry Foor-Pessin, Secretary

Meeting called to order at 6:35 PM.  Discussion of agenda, including review of covenants and bylaws, and sending a mailing to the lot owners to review changes to these.

KA reviews changes to the bylaws and covenants.
In the context of this discussion, CS notes that while he has collected all but three lots’ dues, Romeo owes back dues of $1500.  Discussion about taking action.
Areas of changes with some questions: description of a family, number of household pets, recourse to punish egregious offenders.
CF reminds the Board about the Town of Spafford’s Steep Slope Laws, which were highlighted in a newsletter sent out by the Town several months ago.  It is agreed that it may be useful to discuss at the next Shareholders’ meeting “approaches to managing one’s property to prevent erosion and runoff.”  RS asks if the Town newsletter updating 2022 laws can be posted on the website.  TFP states she ran into a problem posting the scanned PDF on the website.  KA offers to convert it to a document and TFP will post it ASAP.
KA notes that she needs to get the most up-to-date mooring regulations/policy from Tom MacDonald.

MFP makes a motion to accept the changes to the bylaws and covenants with current additions and corrections and to send it to Joe Walsh, attorney, for a final check before sending it out to the shareholders for a vote.   PG seconds.  Motion is unanimously approved.


 Board Meeting Schedule
Discussion about giving lot owners 30 days to review and approve changes to the bylaws and covenants.
RS suggests that there be two meetings, meeting #1: discussion, Q&A, share document, review of process and meeting #2: vote to approve the changes made to the bylaws and covenants.

It is agreed that RS and KA will draft a letter to the shareholders, with dates of the meetings.  This will be sent to the secretary with the proxy format, to be sent out ASAP, ideally Monday, but by Wednesday, June 28th. 

The 14th Annual Beach Party date is scheduled for Sunday, July 30th from 1:00PM to dusk.   MFP makes a motion to spend up to $200 for food, paperware and plasticware, etc.  CA seconds and motion is passed unanimously.  The Adams will get the burgers, hotdogs, plates, etc.  Someone else should bring the charcoal.



Roads Maintenance Discussion
RS notes that this year’s Borotek road maintenance quote is for nearly $20,000.00   While recognizing the increase in cost of materials, labor and supply chain issues, he asks if we need to consider longer lasting alternatives specific to steep slopes.  Should we try some experiments?  How do we stop materials from washing away every spring?
He notes that last year he requested the formation of a Waterfront Committee.  It has met once but needs to keep meeting.  He states that we need both Roads and Waterfront Committees to respond to present and future needs.

TW notes that inflation and supply chain issues have contributed to the increase in road maintenance costs.  (See attached quote from Borotek for specifics.)  There is also an 8% increase with tax added.  He reviews the various jobs: job #1 Main road to 4 Corners, $2160.00
job #2 Precipice Ridge, $4860.00
job#3 Winslip Circle, $1404.00
job #4 Wavelength, $4104.00
job #5 Rocky Falls, $3780.00
job #6 Wavelength north of the cement crossing, $3024.00
Total projected expenses: $19,332.00

Discussion about possible options:
--put #3 rock on the water breaks where water drains so the runner crush doesn’t get washed away, or try a honeycomb-like material to hold more rocks in place
--work with Borotek this year AND get research team to look at what else is out there

BD suggests “what if we focus on the worst areas and reduce expenses on other areas to $10,000?”
TW agrees to ask Borotek to revise their quote with what could be done for $10,000.00.


Treasurer’s report: CS reports that as of today, we have $33,777.55 in the bank, and $15,000+ in emergency annuities.  Three properties have not paid their 2023 dues.

It is agreed that after KA talks to Joe to review the changes to the bylaws and covenants, and TW talks to Borotek and gets a revised quote, RS will schedule another Zoom Board meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 9:04 PM.

Respectfully submitted,


Terry Foor-Pessin
Board Secretary

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