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2021 Bacon Hill Annual Shareholders’ Meeting Minutes
June 29, 2021
Virtual meeting over Zoom, administered by Kathy Adams

In attendance by Internet: Chris and Kathy Adams, Pat Gannon, Jim Colling, Brian and Gail DePalma, Ryan and Liz Kiggins, Chris Fesko, Tyler Wainwright, Roger and Karen Stackpoole, Rob Hole, Tom McDonald, Colleen Gannon, Julie Spillett, Brian Russell, Dominic and Mary Ann Auricchio, Carolyn and Michael Fischi, Jim Richardson, Anthony and Melissa Alphonso, Mike and Terry Foor-Pessin, Dana Bigelow, Brian Davis, Paul and Katherine Turk, Christine Davis, Steve Lang, Jack Riley. 

President Mike Foor-Pessin calls the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.  It is determined that a quorum is present, with 24 lot owners out of a total of 44 lot owners/52 lots represented.  17 are needed to have a quorum.

The secretary reads the 2020 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting minutes.  Pat Gannon moves to accept the minutes as read and Chris Adams seconds.  Motion passes unanimously.

MFP presents the President’s report.

Mike reviews that the HOA is in good standing financially, that we have a number of new lot owners and several of these are interested in getting more involved in Bacon Hill.  Road maintenance and preventative steps are taken on a regular basis and emergencies are responded to quickly.  Mike thanks all the Board members for their work, and the Committee chairs and volunteers working on Roads, Architectural, Legal, Communications and Beach concerns.  He thanks Tom MacDonald for his work on approaching completion of the Mooring Policy and on expanding the number of available moorings.  In Legal matters, we reached an agreement with one lot owner for dues in arrears, and are working with our new attorney, Joe Walsh, on updating the Covenant and Bylaws.

Mike notes that while Zoom meetings are less than ideal, they enabled the Board to meet seven times since the last Annual meeting, more than in any other year.  In addition, the turnout of the Annual Meeting last year and this year has been excellent.  Mike suggests that while we may return to live Annual Meetings next year if the pandemic recedes, he would like to see the Board continue to meet via Zoom.

Treasurer’s Report:

On 12/31/19, we had $25,776.44.  Income in 2020 was $20, 586.17.  Expenditures were $15,762.91.  The ending balance on 12/31/20 was $20,264.05 in the checking account and $10,335.65 in CDs for a total of $30,599.70.     PG makes motion to accept Treasurer’s Report as given, Jim Colling seconds and it is approved.

Roads Report: Tyler Wainwright reports that in 2020 we spent $5724.00 in total road expenses.  There were 22 hours of volunteer work.  Tyler notes that from a storm one week ago, we have minor road damage.  Expenses for this will be discussed under New Business.  In response to a question about preventative planning, Tyler explains that he consults with Pat Gannon, a lot owner and civil engineer with decades of highway construction experience, that our maintenance agreement with Borotek involves frequent contact and discussion, a Spring evaluation is done annually prior to maintenance, and that they can make emergency repairs up to $800 without getting additional approval.  PG notes that Booth Road is maintained by the lake front lot owners and is not our responsibility.

Legal Report: Kathy Adams begins by noting that Bacon Hill HOA is a duly registered NFP (Not For Profit) in NYS.  We are obligated to follow rules and enforce the Covenant. 
1. We resolved a non-payment of dues issue with lot #19 in January, 2021.  Dues are now current with the exception of two lots, which the Treasurer is following up with.
2. We are working on updates to the Covenant and the Bylaws.  The Covenant is attached to the deed and is connected to the lots.  An example of an update is that we currently have an antiquated definition of what constitutes a family.  The Bylaws deal with how the Board and the officers operate.
3. The attorney has recommended that we set up a third section of our organization documents, Rules and Regulations.  This will include the Mooring Policy, rules about speed limits, tree cutting, architectural guidelines, etc.

Architectural Committee: Jim Colling reports that it has been a relatively busy year, with five projects approved: gravel driveway for Tom MacDonald, a gravel driveway for the Kreso/Davis family, a chain link fence for the Fischis, improvements to their home for the Turks, and a shed on the Alphonso property.  All projects were initiated by submission of forms to the Committee.  Once approved by the Committee, the lot owners could apply for permits from the Town of Spafford.  Jim also notes that any cutting of live trees has to be approved before cutting.  He also notes that the pavilion was sprayed for Carpenter bees at a cost of $54.00.

Beach Committee:  Tom MacDonald notes that he took on this role in March, 2021.  He asks that people “use their moorings, be a good neighbor, and be in good standing with the HOA.”  He reminds that the mooring is not transferable if you sell your lot.  There was a waiting list of 4 and then more requests were made.  The Committee consulted with a mooring specialist about the North Mooring Field.  There are currently four moorings installed and two more scheduled to go in shortly.  He believes there is the potential for two more moorings for a total of eight.   All these moorings are perpendicular to the Cliffside and reachable only by water.  Currently, Brian Davis and McCool (purchasing lot 5) are on the wait list.
Tom reports on looking for a second dock to be near the boat launch to be used for loading and unloading boats/passenger pick-up.  He notes that he followed up on complaints of odor from the portajohn, and was told we should “keep the seat down at all times” so odors can be vented through a top stack.

Communications Committee:  Terry Foor-Pessin reports on how notification was made for the Annual Meeting by Zoom, using email and letters as well as posting the Zoom log-in information on the website, in the Members’ Only section on the News and Events page.  All are reminded of the website, and that photos are welcome.  Tom M. announces that there is a Facebook group, Bacon Hill HOA, where people post photos of the lakefront. 

Election of six Board Members: Tonight’s elections will be for Board members.  Election of officers will be held at the next Board Meeting, which improves compliance with the Bylaws.   Kathy Adams moves that Pat Gannon take charge of the election part of the meeting.  Chris Adams seconds and motion is passed.   KA nominates Mike Foor-Pessin, JC nominates Brian Davis, RS, nominates Roger Stackpoole, CG nominates Kathy Adams, CA nominates Steve Lang, CA nominates Chris Adams and KA nominates Chris Sedlack.  Each candidate says a few words about themselves.  Lot owners electronically send their votes to the secretary.  Mike, Brian, Roger, Kathy Chris A. and Chris S. receive the most votes and will be Board members from 2021-2024. 
KA moves that control of the meeting return to MFP for the remainder of the time, and PG seconds it.  Motion passes.

Old Business:

Kathy Adams moves that we hire Gannon Pest Control or its equivalent to spray the pavilion at least annually to eliminate carpenter bees and prevent damage.  JC seconds, and motion is passed.

MFP revisits his suggestion to form a Waterfront Committee to address concerns of erosion and conservation of our waterfront as well as other projects.  He asks for volunteers.  Tom MacDonald, Roger Stackpoole, Brian Davis, Rob Hole, Justine Kreso and Jim Colling all volunteer.  The group will meet and decide upon a chairperson.

New Business:

Tyler reports that heavy rain one week ago resulted in washboarding on the roads.  Borotek’s quote is $2268.00 to fix the damage.  Part of that amount is $650 to cover some of the drainage pipes under Wavelength Road which have become exposed.  It is agreed to discuss approval at the next Board meeting, which should take place in the next two weeks.

In response to a question about whether to lock the North Gate if one finds it open, the recommendation is “If you find the North Gate open, lock it.”

The 13th “Annual Beach Party is scheduled for Sunday, July 18 at 1:00 Pm to dusk.  PG makes motion to spend no more than $150.00 for food and paper products.  RH seconds and motion is passed.  (Carolyn Fischi offers to help with party organization.)

Christine Davis describes challenges dealing with NYSEG and getting electricity to her lot and to other lots in the Association.  She is willing to start a committee to address electricity access.  She is referred to the Architectural Committee, which may poll other lot owners’ as to their interest.  JC states that as it stands, arrangements are between the individual lot owner and NYSEG.  Christine offers to share her story.  She is invited to post it on our website, and TFP will notify other lot owners to check it out.

KA moves that the meeting be adjourned, TW seconds, and meeting is adjourned at 9:24 PM.

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