Bacon Hill Homeowners' Asssociation
2018 Bacon Hill Homeowners’ Association Annual Meeting Minutes
June 5, 2018
Spafford Town Hall, Borodino, NY
Meeting is called to order at7:11 PM. It is determined that a quorum is present, with 24 lot owners and proxies present.
The secretary reads the 2017 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting minutes. Mike Foor-Pessin makes motion to accept as read, Chris Adams seconds, and the motion passes unanimously.
Chris Adams thanks Bob Krause for his work on the kayak racks.
Mike Foor-Pessin presents the President’s Report. Highlights include:
-Thanking all the Board members and committee chairs for their work, and expressing appreciation for Colleen Gannon’s work on the Board and Architectural Committee and noting that she will be stepping down from the Committee Chair position.
-Noting that the Board is working on a Mooring Policy
-Noting that work continues “slow and steady” on the legal issues
-Acknowledging Tyler Wainwright’s work and the Association’s partnership with Borotek, as well as Pat Gannon’s donation of time and materials, and Chris Fesko’s help, all in getting necessary repairs to the roads done this spring
-The Board has started planning to erect a 32 x 34 pavilion at the beach, and this will be discussed in new business
-reminder that we have a website, which provides updates of events and news and posts Board meeting minutes
-Encourages more members to volunteer and to consider running for the Board of Directors
-and reminding all that we will be having our 11th annual beach party in July
Treasurer’s report is read by Chris Sedlack. There are three $5,000 CDs ($15,164.54), there is $20,256.50 in the checking account, and billing notices have gone out. Of the 52 billable lots, 43 are fully paid. 10 have been rebilled. Romeo owes $25,672.28 in past-due bills and interest. The Hayes property foreclosure resulted in our lien, which was secondary to the bank’s, not being repayed. We did recover $3600 in legal fees. Pat Gannon makes a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as read. Gail DePalma seconds, and motion passes unanimously. Report is attached to these minutes.
Road report is presented by Tyler Wainwright. In 2017, $13,932.00 was spent on road expenditures. This year we have spent $10,465.20 this year on repairs to the culvert on Precipice Ridge and to road maintenance. In 2017, there was 25 hours of volunteer work. Tony Geiss and Mike Gallagher (lake front lot owners) donated $100 each for the road work, and there may be donations from three more. Some discussion of the effectiveness of billing lake owners.
Architectural report is presented by Colleen Gannon. There are no new construction requests this year. There are several that have been completed from last year, and some construction is continuing. Report is attached to these minutes.
Beach Committee report is presented by Sandra Weigel and attached to these minutes. There is some discussion about putting in a swale for water runoff in the parking area at the beach. Sandra asks who is responsible to finish the project of setting up some donated white plastic fencing to create a changing area near the port-a-john. Chris Fesko volunteers. Possible purchase of a security camera is discussed. A suggestion is made to send out beach guidelines, and there is some discussion about providing members with some kind of identification for using the beach, but no decisions are made at this time.
Communications Committee: Terry Foor-Pessin makes a brief report about updates to the website, primarily that Board of Director minutes and Annual Meeting minutes are now posted to the website. Also, updates to the Annual Beach Party plans will be made on if inclement weather or other factors occur.
Legal Committee report is read by Kathy Adams. She briefly reviews the Hayes lien/foreclosure and the Romeo lien, noting that we are seeking a new attorney with Homeowners’ Association experience.
Brian DePalma makes a motion to turn over the election process to Pat Gannon, seconded by Chris Fesko and approved. Board Directors Mike Foor-Pessin, Chris Adams, Chris Sedlack, Kathy Adams, and Steve Lang are all up for election, and Sandra Weigel is nominated for Colleen Gannon’s vacated seat. All are elected unopposed, with the secretary casting one unanimous ballot.
Officers are all up for election and once nominated, run unopposed. President is Michael Foor-Pessin, Vice-President is Chris Adams, Secretary is Terry Foor-Pessin and Treasurer is Chris Sedlack.
New Business:
The Board proposes that we erect a 32’ x 24’ pole structure with a metal roof. The quote, from Finger Lakes Construction, is $13,500 for a finished building. Pat Gannon makes a motion to build a pavilion with a ceiling of $15,000, paid for by a one-time levy of lot owners, and after obtaining three written bids. Seconded by Tyler Wainwright. Discussion on putting Rules of Use of the Pavilion In place. The vote is one nay and 20 yea, so motion passes.
The Annual Beach Party is scheduled for Sunday, July 22nd from 1:00 to dusk. Pat Gannon makes motion to approve $150 for food and paper products for the picnic. The Adams will do the buying; the DePalmas will donate the charcoal. Seconded by Colleen Gannon, passed unanimously.
Due to the departure of Colleen Gannon, it will be necessary to appoint an architectural committee chairperson. That person should have good communication skills and be will to send written follow up letters when needed. Steve Lang’s name is suggested, but as he is not in attendance, Chris Adams agrees to speak with him.
Pat Gannon makes motion to adjourn, seconded by Kathy Adams and meeting is adjourned at 9:13 PM.