Bacon Hill Homeowners' Asssociation
Bacon Hill Homeowners’ Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting (zoom)
May 18, 2021
Present: Mike Foor-Pessin, Chris Adams, Kathy Adams, Chris Fesko, Tyler Wainwright, Chris Sedlack, James Richardson, Pat Gannon, Jim Colling, Steve Lang; Tom MacDonald, Beach Chairperson; Terry Foor-Pessin, secretary
Absent: Rob Hole, Brian Russell
Meeting called to order at 7:02 PM.
Agree to dispense with reading minutes of last meeting, as TFP was absent. KA took notes and a digital transcript, and will forward these to TFP. It is agreed that road maintenance plans were approved at the last meeting.
Treasurer’s report: we currently have $38,736 in our checking account. PG moves to accept report, KA seconds; approved.
Committee reports:
Roads Committee: TW states that 95% of the spring maintenance work is done. Still need to do work on the North Road to repair water breaks. $1400. Expenses for the other roads include Winslip, $200, Precipice Ridge, $2400, and Borotek recommends we consider paving or oil and stone on Precipice.
Legal Committee: KA has received an estimate on completion of updates to the Covenant, from Joe Walsh, Attorney. He estimates 3 hours work at $1050, printing and envelopes at $150, mailing to membership costs of $400, and filing fees of $100, for a total of $1550-$2000. To be considered under new business.
Architectural Committee: JC notes that main focus has beenon the Davis/Creso inquiries about NYSEG and bringing in electric to their lot.
Communications: TFP reports mostly realtor and potential buyer questions regarding the Covenant and bylaws as well as mooring availability and requests to be added to the moorings wait list. KA and Tom MacDonald have willingly stepped up to respond to specific questions.
Beach Committee: Now that the water level is up, water is touching the granite blocks and it is necessary to table any plans to work on improving that level of erosion control. We could request a permit from the state, but these take over a year to get. Tom notes that he did get good news that the north mooring field can fit at least 9 mooring spots if the boats are positioned perpendicular to the beach. Another option is to install hoists, but people have brought up concerns about liability/legal issues.
Old Business:
TW states a motion needs to be approved for additional maintenance on Precipice Ridge to the Four Corners. This includes reshaping the water break, patching the pot hole and using 22 tons of crusher run for a cost of $1350. PG so moves, CA seconds and motion passes.
Tom MacDonald reports on his efforts to find a new second dock for the shared waterfront. The two main choices are one that is the same model as our current dock, with wheels, at $4000, and the Flow Dock, at $4400, which is quite stable, but does not come with wheels or ladders although these may be purchased later and added on. Tom notes that there are shortages of docks, as there are of building supplies and manufactured products due to the pandemic. These two docks are currently available, other docks will take two months if ordered. Following discussion, KA makes a motion to allow Tom and his team to spend up to $5000 on a dock that can be accessorized at a later date. PG seconds. Passes.
New Business:
MFP makes motion to spend up to $2000 on legal fees, printing/mailing costs and filing fees to update the Covenant (Board to review changes before sending it on to Joe). TW seconds and motion is unanimously carried.
KA makes motion to deny potential buyer of 931 Bacon Hill Road, Nicole Furnia’s, proposal to rent to “friends and family”, based on the opinion of our attorney. She is authorized to respond by letter. CF seconds and motion is passed.
TFP reads letter from James Butler, a second prospective buyer of 931 Bacon Hill Road, asking about approval to keep several recreational trailers on the property. TfP will send him an email response stating these would be allowed as the trailers would all be registered through the DMV.
The mooring policy, updated by the Beach Committee, is reviewed. Tom will make recommended changes. MFP and KA will review completed policy and send to the attorney for final review before implementing.
The Annual Shareholders’ Meeting is scheduled as a virtual Zoom meeting for Tuesday, June 29th at 7:00 PM. TFP will send out letters and emails to lot owners. She requests that CS send her digital copies of updated mailing labels to include newest lot owners.
Tom MacDonald states that the Association may need to hire a landscape architect to consult with in drawing up plans for a retaining wall, which may cost about $1500. We will need a permit, and those are currently taking 1.5 years to get. MFP recommends that the Board form a new waterfront improvement committee at the next Board meeting, which will take place before the Annual Shareholders’ meeting.
KA makes motion to adjourn. Meeting is adjourned at 9:15 PM.