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Bacon Hill Homeowners’ Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
May 20, 2018

Present: Mike Foor-Pessin, Chris Adams, Chris Sedlack, Chris Fesko, Kathy Adams, Tyler Wainwright, Pat Gannon, Colleen Gannon, Jim Colling, Jim Richardson, Steve Lang; Terry Foor-Pessin, secretary; Sandra Weigel, Beach Chairperson

7:05 PM, meeting called to order.   Chris S. makes motion to waive the minutes, seconded by Colleen and unanimously passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Chris notes that billing letters have gone out.  Currently, CDs have a value of $15,167.71 and in checking we have $8,495.12 for a total of $23, 662.86.   Pat makes motion to accept the minutes, Kathy seconds and it is passed unanimously.

Road Report: Tyler makes a correction to the Financial Statement handed out at last Board meeting, noting $13,932.00 was spent on the roads last year.  Chris agrees to review the figures.   Tyler states that a 2’ overflow pipe was placed at the problematic culvert, and the culvert was cleaned out.  Cobble rock was built up to help with directing water overflow.  He notes that the roads appear to be in good shape.  However, on the North Road from the gate up to the Fesko farm, there was “not a lot of material to work with” and the ruts are still present.

Legal Committee: Kathy states she has been trying to contact Bob O’Leary by phone, and that she has had some contact with another potential lawyer who does real estate and HOA’s.

Architecture Committee: Colleen had a phone call from Tim Purcell to remove a tree, asked him to send an email so she could send written confirmation.   The Kiggins have discussed putting in a septic system, but may not proceed due to the North Road not being usable out to Bacon Hill Road.   Colleen will contact him to learn status of his plan, get details, and if he is going ahead, will ask for a $1000 escrow for possible road repairs following trucks bringing in materials and doing work.

New Business:

Mike asks the Mooring committee to report on what they have developed towards a Mooring policy.   They note it is quite complicated.  Each person who owns a current mooring has paid for the materials and installation.   There is a waiting list for new moorings.  Based on research the committee has done, they have a rough draft of elements for a Mooring policy, a work in progress.  Kathy makes a motion to have Sandy contact 4 Seasons to get pricing on hiring a diver to do inventory of current moorings and to identify how many potential mooring sites we have, as well as pricing for periodic maintenance and inventory by a diver.   Jim C. seconds and it is unanimously passed.  Sandra notes that we may need lighted buoys to be in compliance with the state.  Kathy notes the policy will eventually be added to the bylaws.

Upcoming elections: Mike, Steve, Kathy, Colleen, Chris Adams and Chris Sedlack are all up for a three year term for Board member.  All are willing to run again, except for Colleen, who is not sure.  She will step down from the Architecture Committee chair position.

Mike revisits the idea of erecting a pavilion.  There may be some insurance issues, and a building permit is needed.  Pat and Mike agree to meet on site and see if a 32 x24 space is available that won’t interfere much with parking.  Colleen recommends contacting RLS, in Cato, NY, for prices for a wall-less pole barn type building, no electricity.

Discussion about raising dues to pay for expenses like a pavilion.  Kathy reminds the group that it is possible to do a special levy for specific projects.  It is agreed to have a brief Board of Directors’ Meeting following the June 5th Annual Shareholders’ Meeting.

Steve moves to adjourn, Kathy seconds.  Adjourned at 8:45 PM.


Respectfully submitted,


Terry Foor-Pessin

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