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2016 Annual Shareholders' Meeting Minutes

Bacon Hill Homeowners’ Association Annual Shareholders’ Meeting July 27, 2016

Meeting is called to order at 7:08 PM. It is determined that a quorum is present, with 18 lots (16 people) represented. A few people arrived later.

The secretary reads the 2015 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting minutes. Pat Gannon makes a motion to accept, Kathy A. seconds, vote is unanimous and the minutes are approved.

The President makes his report: that the Association is in good shape, with money available for immediate projects and also money put aside for the future. All dues have been collected except for the two lots under liens, and we have been aggressively pursuing disposition. Mike acknowledges the hard work of the current Board. He notes that legal issues take up a lot of the Board’s time and energy. He reports that an update of the Association’s by-laws and covenant are in progress, and some will be presented tonight. He encourages all members to stay involved in BHHA, as well as the town, county and state.

The treasurer’s report is made by Kathy Adams, in Chris Sedlack’s absence. The 2015 Financial Statement is attached to these minutes. We have spent $2492.20 in legal fees, and current balance in bank account is $36, 930. Pat Gannon makes a motion to accept, Kathy A. seconds, vote is unanimous and the minutes are approved.

Committee Reports:

Roads Committee: Tyler reports that last year, $4590 was spent on North Road culvert repairs, $3834 on general road maintenance, $1200 on replacing the culvert on Precipice Ridge and $500 clearing downed trees for a total of $10,664. There were 15 hours of volunteer work reported. Paul Alexander sent an email about work he did on Wavelength, but Tyler could not document it; he reminds people to let him know about planned volunteer work before it is done so he can document it.

Legal Committee: Kathy Adams reports on changes to the Association Covenant. She notes that the proposals include 1. That the shortest period one may rent one’s property is 30 days, which time frame is based on a state-wide threshold. 2. (Amendment) The Covenant precludes commercial businesses. 3. The Board has adjusted the definition of family to the current legal view, that it is comprised of no more than 4 unrelated adults living in a dwelling. These changes are in the hands of the attorney, and once heapproves the wording, these will be sent by certified mail to all members. We will require approval by a 2/3 majority, and the changes will then be recorded in every deed. If a lot owner is planning to rent, the Association secretary should be notified prior to the rental period commences.

The Board has been working on revisions to the Bylaws. This does not require approval of the general membership. These changes are reviewed, and are attached to these minutes. They will also be posted to the website.

Kathy has been working with the Town of Spafford Zoning Board on changes to the zoning laws, and trying to stay in sync with the Town’s regulations.

Once the changes go into effect, if the membership approves them, there will be “no grandfathering in the Covenant.” Questions are raised about how these changes will be enforced.

Architectural Committee: Colleen reports that there have been several property changes: The Trenti property has been purchased by Ben Lavery and Maura Swan. The Simon property has been purchased by the Fischi family. The Cesta property has been purchased by the Yuhas family.

There have been several construction projects approved: A detached two story garage for the Langs. A request to install a tram down to the lake for the Yuhas. A request to put in a driveway for Lavery/Swan, as well as planning to put in a house and garage.

Colleen requests that members request approval first for any planned permits and projects. She notes that removal of live trees requires approval by the committee. She also reports that as bonds are difficult and costly to obtain, we are currently working with one lot owner to hold a check for an agreed upon amount in escrow during their construction project. The amount to be held will depend on the linear footage across our gravel roads. Lavery has sent $2000.

Colleen also repeats that 6/01-9/30 is the recommended time frame for construction projects as the weather is likely to be dryer during this period.

Beach Committee: Sandra Weigel reports that the owners of the abandoned crafts on the beach have been identified. There is still a catamaran and a junk kayak.

She notes that there are two new moorings, McDonald and Fischi.

She reports on a quote she received from Trident Shoreline Services to install cantilevered decks; will get another quote and look into other options. Sandra shares a picture of a suggested Canoe and Kayak Rack, and notes that the committee is working on a date to erect it.

Sandra reports on details of mounting a surveillance camera, noting that its usefulness is limited if it is battery operated, and that it would be better if we put in an electrical box down by the beach, which could also be used if we build a pavilion.

She notes some erosion at the boat launch, and suggests we look at ways to stabilize it. Rob Hole recommends landing mats, and agrees to talk to Booth about some mats that he has set aside in his yard.

Sandra also notes erosion on the waterfront, and recommends rip rap and she wonders if Jim Richardson might be willing to do the job with his equipment.

Sandra reports that she was able to go through a box of old papers from the last beach committee chair, and discovered that the license for the Association’s mooring plan expires on 8/14/16. She will look into applying for renewal. She notes we have 12 moorings and we are licensed for 12, plus there are two unlicensed moorings by Schwartz’s property. There is some concern that if we have over 10 moorings, we may need navigation lights.

Per Rob Hole: he and a couple of other committee members plan to install a 10 x 12 platform of pressure treated wood on top for the port a john. Sandra will also speak to someone about professional installation.

She also notes that the dock blew over this spring and knocked over the trespassing sign. She will replace the T-post and reset it.

The Board asks Sandra to work on developing a written policy for mooring procedures which can then be added to the Bylaws.

Communications: Terry Foor-Pessin provides an update on the website, and the various information that is available on it. Apologies about miscommunication about notifying members of our original beach party date. It will need to be rescheduled and a notice sent out.

Old Business

The Board members sign the changes to the Bylaws into effect. These were voted on by the Board on 6/13/16, and signed today, 7/27/16. Secretary will affix the official stamp.

New Business


Colleen Gannon makes a motion to allot $200 to build a canoe and kayak rack. Seconded by Kathy Adams, unanimous vote and passed.

Discussion on how to remove the two remaining abandoned boats from the beach. Sandra will call junk removal. It is believed that the catamaran belongs to Brian Russell’s son, and Brian is taking steps to remove it. A motion is made by Kathy Adams and seconded by Pat Dailey giving Sandra formal permission to have the boats removed. Unanimous vote and passed.

A motion is made by Kathy Adams and seconded by Chris Fesko to apply for and pay for the renewal of the mooring permit. Sandra is asked to check on this. Expenditure equal to the cost is authorized. Unanimous vote and seconded. Some discussion follows on having those people who have a mooring pay for the privilege. Concern is voiced that if BHHA charges a fee, the Association might take on some insurance and liability obligations. Sandra is asked to research legal aspects of assessing for the mooring, perhaps seeing what other communities on the lake do.

Shoreline treated wood decking proposal is discussed. It is suggested that it be tabled so that Board members can individually review the proposal and discuss it at the next Board of Directors meeting.

Sandra raises questions about a mooring that Rob Hole installed without permission. His pontoon boat was banging into Bob Bradt’s sailboat, so Bradt moved Hole’s mooring in front of the boat launch area and too close to shore. The Board directs Rob to call 4 Winds Torrey and see if there is a more suitable mooring near the present spot or in the northern section.

Road Work:

So far in 2016, there has been $1458 in routine maintenance. Due to July 4th traffic, there was a washboard condition on Precipice Road. Repairs cost $351, for a total of $1809.00 spent so far.

Tyler reports on the aging culvert downhill from the 4 Corners, between Bigelow’s and Prego’s. Rickliff was asked for a quote but declined to consider the job. Borotek has quoted $14, 688 for the job. Tyler will discuss modifications to the project which might bring the price down. He also requests that the Board speak to the treasurer about paying for road work as soon as it is completed, and not waiting 30 days as this presents a cashflow problem to the Borotek firm.

Discussion about concerns for road conditions currently at two curving sections on Precipice Rd. Chris F. offers to take her tractor down and move stone, and Rob Hole will try using a rake machine to do the same.

A new date is determined for the 9th Annual Beach Party, 8/21 at 1:00-dusk. Colleen Gannon makes a motion, seconded by Jim Colling, to authorize $150 to purchase meat and paper plates, etc.


Kathy Adams makes a motion to shift responsibility for running the elections to Pat Gannon. Seconded by Tyler and approved.

Pat Gannon makes a motion to close the polls and vote in the same Board of Directors, to run from 2016-2019. The directors are Pat Gannon, Tyler Wainwright, Rob Hole, Jim Colling, Chris Fesko and Jim Richardson. Seconded by Chris F. The secretary casts a unanimous vote.

Kathy A. makes motion to elect Mike Foor-Pessin president for the year 2016-2017. Chris F. seconds and the secretary casts a unanimous vote.

Tyler makes motion to elect Chris Adams vice-president for the year 2016-2017. Pat G. seconds and the secretary casts a unanimous vote.

Chris F. makes motion to elect Terry Foor-Pessin secretary for the year 2016-2017. Kathy A. seconds and the president casts a unanimous vote.

Tyler makes motion to elect Chris Sedlack treasurer for the year 2016-2017. Rob Hole seconds and the secretary casts a unanimous vote.

Kathy A. makes motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 PM, seconded by Tyler.

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